Are women in Technology going to overtake men in technology?

The American University of Stanford has for the first time, had women / female students as the majority for computer science.

214 women are majoring in computer sciemce which is equivalent to 30% of all majors in the department.

Human biology used to be the most popular for women which has since slipped to second.

We’ve crossed that threshold where women feel supported and comfortable, What we need to do is not turn anyone away because they feel unsupported, and a vibrant core community with a critical mass is essential.” said Eric Roberts, a Stanford professor emeritus of computer science who first obtained the numbers.

Stanford University is based close to Silicon Valley, which there are a number of large technology companies including Yahoo and Google.

Women make up 49 percent of Stanford’s undergraduate body of about 7,000 students, according to the university.

Although women earn 57 percent of all bachelor’s degrees, according to the National Science Foundation, only about 18 percent of all U.S. undergraduate computer science degrees go to women.

For something closer to home, WITWA – Women in Technology WA endorse people to have open conversation and debate to strengthen the relationships within Technology. They actually have an event coming up soon – which can also been seen on our Beacham Group community calendar by clicking here.

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