Google’s Virtual Reality is coming!

You may have read a previous blog I did about Rift – a virtual reality headset backed and owned by Facebook earlier this year; however Google is now planning to release their own, that isn’t made simply of cardboard.

This makes complete sense, as in another blog – I mention that VR hit Youtube,which is another Google (or Alphabet as its now known) company.

Financial Times sources claim that Google’s first true VR headset is effectively a more open rival to Samsung’s Gear VR — you slot in a phone from your brand of choice into a plastic housing that has its own movement sensors.

Google had a gimmick (well I see it as a gimmick) product called Cardboard. Essentially you place your phone in a bit of cardboard and it creates a viewing windows for you to experience Virtual reality. Google’s real VR however is going to be miles above Cardboard, according to the tip. If the leak is accurate, you’d see it arrive sometime this year… alongside software that could be just as (if not more) important to the experience.

People that know about googles plans claim Google is baking VR into Android itself, rather than relying on third-party apps like Cardboard does today. This wouldn’t just make support easier, but would fight common VR problems like lag — the smaller the delay, the less likely you are to be nauseous after a prolonged session. Google hasn’t confirmed either the Android VR support or the hardware, but it wouldn’t be shocking to get at least a sneak peek at this technology at Google I/O in May.

You can check out how Google Cardboard works below:


Have you already got a VR headset or are you thinking about getting one? Are there talks about your place of work investing in the technology to help them out? Let me know in the comments below!

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