Australian Retirement Trust

Beacham Group’s default superannuation fund is Australian Retirement Trust.  Discover why over 2 million members trust Australian Retirement Trust with their retirement savings by viewing important information about performance, benefits and fees here.

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Choosing Your Own Super Fund

If you choose to have your own superannuation fund, Beacham Group can pay into that for you – whether it be an Industry Fund, Retail Fund, or a Self Managed Superannuation Fund.  You will be able to complete your Superannuation Choice Form once you are set up on our online portal.


You will require:

Retail or Industry Fund

Self Managed Super Fund

From 1 July 2022 the superannuation guarantee rate increases from 10% to 10.5%….and the even better news, it has been legislated to rise incrementally each year until it reaches 12% in 2025.  This small increase will have a big positive impact on the amount of super you save over your working career. 


Superannuation is paid quarterly via our super clearing house 28 days after the end of the quarter, and will then be distributed by the clearing house to your chosen superannuation fund.


If you have any questions regarding superannuation please contact [email protected] or (08) 6143 5000.

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