Well done to the 2019 She Codes Graduates

Article By Rebecca King


I recently attended a graduation where over 20 women celebrated completing the She Codes Plus course, which is a 6 month coding course, allowing women to study outside work hours and providing the opportunity for some of them to embark on a new career in the tech industry.


This was really moving, as a lot of them had beliefs that they were too old to change careers, or that they were told the tech industry wasn’t a good choice, or suitable for women.


The 1920’s brought upon a decade of change. Women finally gained the right to vote and drastically changed their appearance. Short hair and shapeless dresses were the new fashion and gone were the days of restrictive clothing. It was the decade of women’s liberation.


Now that 2020 is fast approaching, ask yourself if you are doing what you love? If they answer is ‘Yes!’ Fantastic, you are the people who will inspire others to chase their dream career.

If the answer is ‘Maybe, or No’. Perhaps think of the next 20’s as an opportunity for change, discovery and chance to take a step in the direction of where you want to be.


Surround yourself with a network of inspirational and encouraging people. Go to meetup groups, take up online study and learn something brand new.


I hope the next decade sees more people letting go of old belief systems, societal pressures and workplace discrimination. Let 2020 be a chance to turn your career ideas and goals into reality.


Meetup – https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/

Udemy online courses – https://www.udemy.com/

SheCodes URL – https://shecodes.com.au/

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